tawrat holy book in urdu free download
Tawrat Holy Book in Urdu Free Download
If you are a Muslim who wants to learn more about your faith and history, you might be interested in reading Tawrat, the holy book that was revealed to Prophet Musa (AS) by Allah. In this article, we will explain what Tawrat is, why it is important for Muslims, how you can download it in Urdu for free, and what are the benefits of reading it. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about Tawrat at the end of the article.
What is Tawrat and why is it important for Muslims?
Tawrat is the Arabic name for Torah, which is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. These books are also known as Pentateuch, which means \"five scrolls\" in Greek. According to Islamic belief, Tawrat was revealed to Prophet Musa (AS) by Allah through angel Jibril (AS) on Mount Sinai. Tawrat contains the law and guidance that Allah gave to Prophet Musa (AS) and his people, the Israelites, who were enslaved by Pharaoh in Egypt.
Tawrat is one of the four holy books that Allah revealed to different prophets throughout history. The other three are Zabur, which was revealed to Prophet Dawud (AS), Injil, which was revealed to Prophet Isa (AS), and Quran, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Muslims believe that all these books contain the same message of monotheism, worship, morality, and justice from Allah, but they were sent to different nations and times according to their needs and circumstances.
Tawrat is important for Muslims because it is part of their heritage and legacy as followers of Allah's prophets. Muslims respect and honor Tawrat as a divine revelation that contains wisdom and truth. Muslims also believe that Tawrat foretells and confirms the coming of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the final messenger of Allah. However, Muslims also believe that Tawrat has been corrupted or changed by human interference over time, and that Quran is the final and preserved word of Allah that abrogates and corrects any errors or contradictions in previous scriptures.
How can you download Tawrat in Urdu for free?
If you want to read Tawrat in Urdu, you have several options to download it for free. Here are some of them:
You can visit websites that offer Urdu translations of Tawrat, such as Bible.com, WordProject.org, or ScriptureEarth.org. These websites allow you to read Tawrat online or download it as a PDF file.
You can also use apps or software that enable you to read Tawrat in Urdu on your smartphone or computer. Some examples are Torat in Urdu, Urdu Bible, or e-Sword. These apps or software allow you to access Tawrat offline or online, as well as other features such as audio, commentary, search, bookmarks, etc.
You can also listen to audio recordings of Tawrat in Urdu on websites like FaithComesByHearing.com, Bible.is, or TalkingBibles.org. These websites allow you to stream or download audio files of Tawrat chapters or verses.
Before you download any version of Tawrat in Urdu, make sure you check its source, quality, accuracy, and reliability. You should also compare it with other translations or with Quran to see if there are any differences or discrepancies.
What are the benefits of reading Tawrat in Urdu?
Reading Tawrat in Urdu can have many benefits for you as a Muslim. Here are some of them:
You can learn about the history and stories of Prophet Musa (AS) and his people, who faced many trials and miracles from Allah. You can see how Allah saved them from Pharaoh's tyranny, how He gave them the Ten Commandments and other laws on Mount Sinai, how He tested them in the desert for forty years, how He punished them for their disobedience and idolatry, how He blessed them with prophets and kings like Yusuf (AS), Harun (AS), Dawud (AS), Sulaiman (AS), etc.
You can understand the original message and context of Tawrat, which was revealed in Hebrew language and culture. You can see how Allah communicated with Prophet Musa (AS) and his people through signs, symbols, parables, metaphors, etc. You can also see how Allah addressed their specific issues and problems such as slavery, oppression, injustice, warfare, worship, rituals, etc.
You can appreciate the similarities and differences between Tawrat and Quran. You can see how Quran confirms many aspects of Tawrat such as monotheism, prophethood, revelation, resurrection, etc. You can also see how Quran corrects many aspects of Tawrat such as trinity, sonship, crucifixion, etc. You can also see how Quran completes and perfects many aspects of Tawrat such as law, guidance, mercy, etc.
misinterpretations, or distortions of Tawrat and its teachings. It can also help you respect and dialogue with other people of the book, such as Jews and Christians, who also revere Tawrat as a sacred scripture.
In conclusion, Tawrat is a holy book that was revealed to Prophet Musa (AS) by Allah. It is one of the four holy books in Islam, along with Zabur, Injil, and Quran. Tawrat contains the law and guidance that Allah gave to Prophet Musa (AS) and his people, the Israelites. Tawrat is important for Muslims because it is part of their heritage and legacy as followers of Allah's prophets. Muslims respect and honor Tawrat as a divine revelation that contains wisdom and truth. Muslims also believe that Tawrat foretells and confirms the coming of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the final messenger of Allah.
If you want to read Tawrat in Urdu, you can download it for free from various websites, apps, or software that offer Urdu translations of Tawrat. You can also listen to audio recordings of Tawrat in Urdu. Reading Tawrat in Urdu can have many benefits for you as a Muslim. You can learn about the history and stories of Prophet Musa (AS) and his people, you can understand the original message and context of Tawrat, and you can appreciate the similarities and differences between Tawrat and Quran.
We hope that this article has helped you learn more about Tawrat and its significance for Muslims. We invite you to download Tawrat in Urdu for free and read it with an open mind and heart. You can find a reliable source of Tawrat in Urdu here. May Allah guide you and bless you with His knowledge and mercy.
What are the other holy books in Islam besides Tawrat?
The other holy books in Islam besides Tawrat are Zabur, Injil, and Quran. Zabur is the revelation given to Prophet Dawud (AS) by Allah. It is also known as Psalms or Zaboor in Arabic. It contains praises and prayers to Allah. Injil is the revelation given to Prophet Isa (AS) by Allah. It is also known as Gospel or Injeel in Arabic. It contains the teachings and miracles of Prophet Isa (AS). Quran is the revelation given to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by Allah. It is also known as Koran or Al-Quran in Arabic. It contains the final and complete message of Allah for all mankind.
Is Tawrat corrupted or changed according to Islam?
According to Islam, Tawrat was corrupted or changed by human interference over time. Some people added, deleted, altered, or misinterpreted some parts of Tawrat to suit their own interests or beliefs. Some people also hid or lost some parts of Tawrat that were favorable to Islam or Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Therefore, Muslims do not rely on the current versions of Tawrat as a source of guidance or authority. Muslims only accept what agrees with Quran and Sunnah, which are the preserved and authentic sources of Islam.
How can I verify the authenticity and accuracy of Tawrat in Urdu?
You can verify the authenticity and accuracy of Tawrat in Urdu by comparing it with other translations or with Quran. You can also consult scholars or experts who are well-versed in both languages and scriptures. You can also check the source, quality, reliability, and reputation of the website, app, or software that offers Tawrat in Urdu. You should be careful and cautious about any version of Tawrat that contradicts or conflicts with Quran or Sunnah.
What are some of the major themes and teachings of Tawrat?
Some of the major themes and teachings of Tawrat are:
The oneness and uniqueness of Allah as the only true God who created everything and who deserves worship and obedience.
The prophethood and messengership of Musa (AS) as the leader and guide of the Israelites who delivered them from Pharaoh's oppression and who received the law and guidance from Allah.
The covenant and relationship between Allah and the Israelites as His chosen people who were given many favors and blessings but who were also tested and accountable for their actions.
The law and guidance that Allah gave to the Israelites through Musa (AS) on Mount Sinai, which included moral, social, legal, ritual, dietary, etc. rules and regulations.
The stories and lessons of various prophets, kings, judges, heroes, villains, etc. who lived before, during, or after Musa (AS) such as Adam (AS), Nuh (AS), Ibrahim (AS), Yusuf (AS), Harun (AS), Dawud (AS), Sulaiman (AS), etc.
How can I apply the lessons of Tawrat to my life as a Muslim?
You can apply the lessons of Tawrat to your life as a Muslim by:
Acknowledging and affirming your belief in Allah as the only true God who created everything and who deserves worship and obedience.
Following and emulating Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the final messenger of Allah who confirmed and completed what was revealed before him.
Fulfilling your obligations and duties towards Allah and His creation as a Muslim who submits to His will and follows His guidance.
and complete sources of guidance and authority for Muslims.
Learning from the history and stories of Prophet Musa (AS) and his people, who faced many trials and miracles from Allah, and who were given many favors and blessings but who were also tested and accountable for their actions.
Appreciating the similarities and differences between Tawrat and Quran, and respecting and dialoguing with other people of the book, such as Jews and Christians, who also revere Tawrat as a sacred scripture.